Dant O Gum is a well research bland blend of herbs which have long and safe history of daily uses in Ayurveda. The herbs with their antibacterial gum tightening, immunizing, tissue regenerator properties provide ample dental care and play a vital role in treatment of bleeding inflammatory and ulcerated conditions of gums sensitive prevents formation of caries and gum recession or tooth decay.
Dant-O-Gum is a fluoride free with all ayurvedic ingredients which helps in preventing and curing of gums and teeth. It mainly works on cleaning and strengthening of teeth and gums. It have a good amount of richness of neem which fights with germs and hence protect and improves the quality of teeth.
It contains moishree chhal ext., saindhav, akarkara ext.,neem ext.,babool ext., tejbal ext., lavang ext., ppiper ext., vajardant ext., viavidanga ext., plu ext., haldi ext., majupal ext., kulinjan ext., green tea, licorice, yasad bhasma, pudina satva,fitkari,vanslochari,kapura etc.